Good luck Obama!

Resolvi homenagear Barack Obama no dia de sua posse com um vídeo, onde ele fala que quando era mais novo queria ser arquiteto!
Nós por aqui estamos muito felizes com a sua mudança de idéia e desejamos boa sorte!

“Don’t tell me we can’t change.
Yes, we can. Yes, we can change. Yes, we can.
Yes, we can heal this nation. Yes, we can seize our future. And as we leave this great state with a new wind at our backs and we take this journey across this great country, a country we love, with the message we carry from the plains of Iowa to the hills of New Hampshire, from the Nevada desert to the South Carolina coast, the same message we had when we were up and when we were down, that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we will hope.
And where we are met with cynicism and doubt and fear and those who tell us that we can’t, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of the American people in three simple words — yes, we can”.

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